Rea u amohela ho Xi'an Aogu Biotech Co., Ltd.


N-Acetylcysteine ​​​​le Ts'ebetso ea Boikoetliso: Ho matlafatsa Mamello le Pholiso.

  • setifikeiti

  • Lebitso la sehlahisoa:N-Acetylcysteine
  • Ponahalo:Phofo e tšoeu ea kristale
  • Arolelana le:
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Thomello & Packaging

    Tšebeletso ea OEM

    Mabapi le rona

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    N-Acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) phofo e fumane tlhokomelo e kholo tšimong ea ho ikoetlisa le ho hlaphoheloa. Liphuputso tse ngata li bontšitse hore tlatsetso ea NAC e ka ntlafatsa mamello, ea ntlafatsa ho hlaphoheloa, 'me e ka fokotsa kotsi ea khatello ea kelello e bakoang ke ho ikoetlisa.

    Baatlelete ba mamello ba lula ba batla litsela tsa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea bona le ho liehisa mokhathala. NAC, selelekela sa antioxidant glutathione, e fumanoe e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho loants'eng khatello ea oxidative nakong ea boikoetliso bo matla. Khatello ea oxidative e etsahala ha ho e-na le ho se leka-lekane pakeng tsa tlhahiso ea limolek'hule tse kotsi tse bitsoang li-radicals tsa mahala le bokhoni ba 'mele ba ho thibela liphello tsa bona tse senyang. Ts'ebetso ena e ka baka mokhathala oa mesifa le ho senya ho hlaphoheloa.

    Lipatlisiso li fana ka maikutlo a hore tlatsetso ea NAC e ka ntlafatsa mamello ka ho fokotsa khatello ea oxidative. Phuputso e phatlalalitsoeng ho Journal of Sports Medicine le Physical Fitness e fumane hore bapalami ba libaesekele ba neng ba nka li-supplement tsa NAC ba bile le nako e ntlafetseng ea ho khathala le ho eketsa ho kenngoa ha oksijene ho bapisoa le ba nkileng placebo. Liphuputso tsena li fana ka maikutlo a hore NAC e ka thusa baatlelete ho sutumetsa le ho sebetsa betere nakong ea mesebetsi ea mamello.

    Ntle le liphello tsa eona tse ka bang teng ho mamella, NAC e boetse e bontšitsoe ho ntlafatsa ho hlaphoheloa le ho fokotsa tšenyo ea mesifa ka mor'a boikoetliso bo matla. Phuputso e phatlalalitsoeng ho International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism e fumane hore tlatsetso ea NAC e fokolitse haholo matšoao a tšenyo ea mesifa le ho ruruha ka mor'a boikoetliso bo sa tloaelehang. Sena se fana ka maikutlo a hore NAC e ka thusa ho hlaphoheloa kapele le ho fokotsa bohloko ba ka mor'a ho ikoetlisa, ho lumella baatlelete hore ba qalelle ho ikoetlisa ka potlako.

    Ho feta moo, NAC e bontšitse ts'episo ea ho fokotsa khatello ea maikutlo e bakoang ke boikoetliso. Phuputsong e phatlalalitsoeng ho Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, bafuputsi ba ile ba hlahloba liphello tsa tlatsetso ea NAC ho li-oxidative stress markers ho libapali tsa basketball. Boithuto bona bo fumane hore tlatsetso ea NAC e fokolitse matšoao a khatello ea oxidative le ho ntlafatsa matla a antioxidant, a ka fokotsang kotsi ea ho senyeha ha mesifa le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ka kakaretso.

    Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore le hoja NAC e bontša tšepiso e le tlatsetso bakeng sa ho matlafatsa mamello le ho hlaphoheloa, likarabo tsa batho ka bomong li ka fapana. Kamehla ho khothalletsoa ho buisana le setsebi sa tlhokomelo ea bophelo pele u qala mokhoa leha e le ofe o mocha oa tlatsetso.

    Qetellong, phofo ea N-Acetylcysteine ​​​​e 'nile ea ameha ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea boikoetliso le ho hlaphoheloa. Monyetla oa eona oa ho matlafatsa mamello, ho fokotsa tšenyo ea mesifa, le ho loantša khatello ea oxidative e bakoang ke boikoetliso e etsa hore e be tlatsetso e khahlehang bakeng sa baatlelete. Leha lipatlisiso tse ling li hlokahala ho utloisisa ka botlalo mekhoa le litlamorao tsa eona, NAC e bonts'a tšepiso e le tlatsetso ea bohlokoa lenaneong la boikoetliso ba moatlelete.

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

    N-acetyl cysteine ​​​​(NAC) e tsoa ho amino acid L-cysteine. Li-amino acid ke li-block tsa protheine. NAC e na le litšebeliso tse ngata mme ke setlhare se lumelletsoeng ke FDA.

    N-acetyl cysteine ​​​​ke antioxidant e ka bang karolo ea ho thibela mofetše. E le sethethefatsi, se sebelisoa ke bafani ba tlhokomelo ea bophelo ho phekola chefo ea acetaminophen (Tylenol). E sebetsa ka ho tlama mefuta e chefo ea acetaminophen e entsoeng ka har'a sebete.

    Hangata batho ba sebelisa N-acetyl cysteine ​​​​bakeng sa khohlela le maemo a mang a matšoafo. E boetse e sebelisoa bakeng sa feberu, leihlo le omeletseng, le maemo a mang a mangata, empa ha ho na bopaki bo botle ba saense bo tšehetsang bongata ba litšebeliso tsena. Hape ha ho na bopaki bo botle ba ho tšehetsa tšebeliso ea N-acetyl cysteine ​​​​bakeng sa COVID-19.

    N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ​​ke amino acid, e ka fetoloa ho tloha 'meleng oa methionine, cystine e ka fetoloa hammoho. N-Acetyl-l-cysteine ​​​​e ka sebelisoa e le moemeli oa mucilagenic. E loketse tšitiso ea ho hema e bakoang ke palo e kholo ea tšitiso ea phlegm. Ho feta moo, e ka boela ea sebelisoa bakeng sa detoxification ea chefo ea acetaminophen.




    N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ​​ke amino acid, e ka fetoloa ho tloha 'meleng oa methionine, cystine e ka fetoloa hammoho. N-Acetyl-l-cysteine ​​​​e ka sebelisoa e le moemeli oa mucilagenic. E loketse tšitiso ea ho hema e bakoang ke palo e kholo ea tšitiso ea phlegm. Ho feta moo, e ka boela ea sebelisoa bakeng sa detoxification ea chefo ea acetaminophen.

    sephutheloana-aogubioho tsamaisa foto-aogubioSephutheloana sa 'nete sa phofo moqomo-aogubi

  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Thomello & Packaging

    Tšebeletso ea OEM

    Mabapi le rona

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

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