Rea u amohela ho Xi'an Aogu Biotech Co., Ltd.


Kamoo Citrus Bioflavonoids e Tšehetsang Bophelo bo Botle ba 'mele

Citrus bioflavonoids ke sehlopha sa phytonutrients e fumanoang litholoana tsa citrus tse kang lilamunu, lemone, lime le grapefruit. Li-antioxidants tsena tse matla li hokahane le melemo e fapaneng ea bophelo bo botle, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tsebahalang bakeng sa ba batlang ho tšehetsa bophelo bo botle ka kakaretso. Ho blog ena, re tla hlahloba melemo e mengata ea li-citrus bioflavonoids le li-supplement tsa citrus bioflavonoid tse ntle ka ho fetisisa 'marakeng.

melemo ea li-citrus bioflavonoids

Ho Aogubio, re sebetsa ka ho khetheha ho hlahiseng le ho ajoa ha lintho tse sebetsang ka mokhoa oa pharmacologically, lisebelisoa tse tala le lihlahisoa tsa limela, ho kenyeletsoa le li-nutraceuticals bakeng sa tlhahiso ea tlatsetso. Lihlahisoa tsa rona li sebelisoa indastering ea meriana, ea lijo, ea phepo e nepahetseng le ea litlolo 'me re motlotlo ho fana ka mefuta e mengata ea boleng bo phahameng ba citrus bioflavonoid supplementation.

Melemo ea bophelo bo botle ea citrus bioflavonoids e kholo, ka lipatlisiso tse bontšang hore li-antioxidants tsena tse matla li ka bapala karolo ea ho tšehetsa bophelo bo botle ba 'mele, ho fokotsa ho ruruha, le ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba pelo le letlalo. Ho feta moo, li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li 'nile tsa ithutoa bakeng sa karolo ea tsona e ka bang teng ho laola ho kula le ho thusa ho laola boima ba' mele.

Mona ke melemo e 5 ea li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus.

  • Ba thusa ho laola metabolism ea hau.

Tlhahlobo e fumane hore li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li khothalletsa ts'ebetso e khahlanong le ho ruruha liseleng tse itseng tse amanang le metabolis ho kenyeletsa sebete, lisele tsa adipose, liphio le aorta ea hau, (ke hore, mothapo o ka sehloohong o tsamaisang mali ho tloha pelong ea hau ho ea 'meleng oa hau kaofela) .

  • Li thusa ho thibela khatello ea oxidative.

Li-citrus bioflavonoids li tseba li-anti-inflammatory properties 'me li thusa ho loantša li-radicals tsa mahala.Li-antioxidants tse kang li-citrus bioflavonoids li tla pota-pota le ho fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala.

Ha e le hantle, phuputso ea liphoofolo e hatisitsoeng ke BMC Pharmacology le Toxicology e ile ea amahanya ka ho khetheha citrus bioflavonoid hesperidin le maemo a tlaase a khatello ea oxidative (ke hore, ho leka-lekana ka bophelo bo botle pakeng tsa li-antioxidants le li-radicals tsa mahala).

Le hoja li-radicals tse ling tsa mahala 'meleng e le karolo ea mekhoa e tloaelehileng ea' mele (mohlala, karabelo ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung le karabelo ea lisele tsa' mele ho pholletsa le 'mele), ho leka-lekanya tekanyo ea antioxidant-to-free-radical ratio ho sebetsana le khatello ea oxidative ke ea bohlokoa bakeng sa pelo e nepahetseng, sesole sa 'mele le. bophelo bo botle ba metabolism-le li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li thusa ho ntšetsa pele mosebetsi ona.

  • Li tšehetsa sesole sa 'mele se phetseng hantle.

Li-antioxidants li thusa ho sireletsa lisele tsa rona le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona, e khothalletsang liketso tse khahlanong le ho ruruha 'meleng le ho tšehetsa bophelo bo botle ba' mele ba ho itšireletsa mafung5.

Ho feta moo, li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li ka matlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mala le bophelo bo botle. 'Me, joalo ka ha re tseba, mala a phetseng hantle a bohlokoa molemong oa sesole sa' mele se sebetsang hantle. Kamano ena, le eona e ka ama 'mele oohle.

Citrus bioflavonoids e ka ba le tšusumetso e kholo ho leka-lekana ha microbiome ea hau ea mala, 'me libaktheria li ka lokolla limolek'hule tse nyane tse kenang maling a hau mme tsa ba le tšusumetso ho tsohle.

  • Li ka khothaletsa kutloisiso ea insulin le maemo a leka-lekaneng a tsoekere.

Mamello e tloaelehileng ea tsoekere le kutloisiso ea insulin ke likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa bophelo bo botle ba endocrine le metabolism. Ho latela tlhahlobo e phatlalalitsoeng ho Oxidative Medicine le Cellular Longevity, li-citrus bioflavonoids li ka thusa ho matlafatsa likarolo tseo ka bobeli.

Metsoako ena e ka thusa lisele tsa beta tsa manyeme hore li etse insulin, hape li ka thusa sebete ho sebetsa lijo.

  • Li khothalletsa botsofali bo botle.

Citrus bioflavonoids e 'nile ea sebelisoa ho thusa ho hōlisa botsofali bo botle le bophelo bo bolelele,' me lipatlisiso li tšehetsa seo.

Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea bophelo bo botle ba 'mele, li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li bontšitsoe hore li na le phello e ntle tsamaisong ea' mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung. Li ka thusa ho tšehetsa tšireletso ea tlhaho ea 'mele, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho loantša tšoaetso le maloetse. Sena se bohlokoa haholo-holo likhoeling tse batang ha sefuba le sefuba li atile haholo.

Citrus Bioflavonoids

Ho ruruha ke karabelo ea tlhaho ea 'mele ho kotsi kapa tšoaetso, empa ha e fetoha e sa foleng, e ka lebisa mathateng a sa tšoaneng a bophelo bo botle. Citrus bioflavonoids e ithutoe bakeng sa thepa ea eona e thibelang ho ruruha 'me e bontša tšepiso ea ho fokotsa ho ruruha' meleng.

Citrus bioflavonoids e boetse e hokahantsoe le bophelo bo botle ba pelo, ka lithuto tse bonts'ang hore li thusa ho boloka khatello ea mali e phetseng hantle le maemo a cholesterol. Sena ke sa bohlokoa bakeng sa bophelo bo botle ba pelo ka kakaretso 'me se thusa ho fokotsa kotsi ea lefu la pelo.

Bakeng sa ba batlang ho ts'ehetsa bophelo bo botle ba letlalo, li-citrus bioflavonoids li fana ka tharollo ea tlhaho. Li-antioxidant tsena li ka thusa ho sireletsa letlalo ho senyeha ha radical mahala, tse ka lebisang ho tsofala pele ho nako le ho senyeha ha letlalo.

Ho kula e ka ba bothata ba sebele ho batho ba bangata, empa li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li ka fana ka phomolo e itseng. Lipatlisiso li bonts'a hore li-antioxidants tsena li ka thusa ho laola maikutlo a ho hana le ho fokotsa matšoao a kang ho thimola, ho hlohlona le ho tsubella.

Qetellong, ho ba lekang ho laola boima ba bona, li-citrus bioflavonoids li ka fana ka tšehetso e itseng. Le hoja li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus e se sebaka sa lijo tse phetseng hantle le boikoetliso, li ka bapala karolo ea ho laola boima ba 'mele ka ho khothalletsa bophelo bo botle le boiketlo ka kakaretso.

Ha u batla li-supplement tsa citrus bioflavonoid tse ntle ka ho fetisisa, ho bohlokoa ho batla lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tse tsoang lik'hamphaning tse tsebahalang joalo ka Aogubio. Li-supplement tsa rona tsa citrus bioflavonoid li entsoe ka metsoako ea boleng bo holimo mme li etselitsoe ho fana ka melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle.

Ka kakaretso, li-bioflavonoids tsa citrus li na le melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle, ho tloha ho tšehetsa bophelo bo botle ba 'mele ho ea ho fokotsa ho ruruha le ho khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba pelo le letlalo. Haeba u batla ho kenyelletsa li-antioxidants tsena tse matla kemisong ea hau ea letsatsi le letsatsi, nahana ka ho kenyelletsa tlatsetso ea citrus bioflavonoid ho regimen ea hau. Aogubio e u fa litlatsetso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa citrus bioflavonoid ho ts'ehetsa bophelo bo botle ba hau ka kakaretso.

Ho ngola sengoloa:Niki Chen

Nako ea poso: Dec-28-2023