Rea u amohela ho Xi'an Aogu Biotech Co., Ltd.


Li-mushroom tsa Tiger milk ke eng?

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger , eo hape e tsejoang e le Lignosus rhinocerus, ke mofuta oa li-mushroom tse phekolang ka tlhaho Asia Boroa-bochabela. E nkoa e le ea bohlokoa haholo meriana ea setso ea Sechaena 'me e' nile ea sebelisoa ka lilemo tse makholo bakeng sa melemo ea eona e fapaneng ea bophelo bo botle. Li-mushroom li khetholloa ka ponahalo ea eona e ikhethang, e nang le sebōpeho se selelele, se tšesaane le se cylindrical, se tšoana le kutu ea nkoe. E fumaneha haholo-holo metsong ea lifate tse shoeleng kapa tse shoang merung ea tropike. Ho lumeloa hore li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li na le matla a ho itšireletsa mafung, li thibela ho ruruha, le li-antioxidant, 'me li sebelisetsoa ho phekola maloetse a fapa-fapaneng a kenyeletsang mofetše, lefu la tsoekere le maemo a ho hema.

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger (7)
1 li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger

Litšobotsi tsa li-mushroom tsa lebese la Tiger:

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger , kapa Lignosus rhinocerus, e tsebahala ka thepa ea eona e fapaneng le melemo ea bophelo bo botle e ka bang teng. Mona ke tse ling tsa likarolo tsa eona tsa bohlokoa:

  • Ho Matlafatsa Immune: Ho lumeloa hore li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li na le litlamorao tsa immunomodulatory, ho bolelang hore li ka thusa ho laola le ho matlafatsa karabelo ea sesole sa 'mele. Sena se ka ntlafatsa bokhoni ba 'mele ba ho loantša tšoaetso le mafu.
  • Anti-Inflammation: Li-mushroom li na le metsoako ea bioactive e nang le li-anti-inflammatory properties. E ka thusa ho fokotsa ho ruruha 'meleng, ho amanang le maemo a fapaneng a sa foleng a kang ramatiki, asthma le lefu la ho ruruha ha mala.
  • Antioxidant: Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li na le li-antioxidants tse ngata, tse thusang ho sireletsa 'mele khahlanong le khatello ea oxidative e bakoang ke li-radicals tsa mahala. Li-antioxidants li ka thusa ho thibela tšenyo ea lisele le ho fokotsa kotsi ea mafu a sa foleng a kang lefu la pelo, mofets'e le mathata a neurodegenerative.
  • Anti-Cancer: Liphuputso tse ling li fana ka maikutlo a hore li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li ka ba le thepa ea ho thibela mofetše. E na le metsoako ea bioactive e bonts'itseng bokhoni ba ho thibela kholo ea lisele tsa mofetše le ho susumetsa apoptosis (lefu la sele) mefuteng e itseng ea mofetše.
  • Anti-Diabetic: Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li ka ba le litlamorao tse molemo taolong ea tsoekere ea mali. Ho fumanoe hore e na le thepa e khahlanong le lefu la tsoekere, e ka thusang ho laola maemo a tsoekere ea mali le ho ntlafatsa kutloisiso ea insulin.
  • Anti-Microbial: Li-mushroom li na le li-antimicrobial properties, ho bolelang hore li ka thusa ho thibela kholo ea likokoana-hloko tse kotsi tse kang libaktheria le li-fungus. Sena se ka thusa ho thibela le ho phekola mafu a sa tšoaneng.
Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger 1

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la Tiger tsa mefuta ea tlatsetso, ho kenyelletsa:

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger, tse tsejoang hape e le Lignosus rhinocerotis, ke mofuta oa li-mushroom tse sebelisoang hangata meriana ea setso ea Sechaena le Malaysia. Ho lumeloa hore e na le melemo e fapaneng ea bophelo bo botle, ho kenyelletsa ho matlafatsa sesole sa 'mele, ho fokotsa ho ruruha, le ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ka kakaretso.

Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tigere fumaneha ka mefuta e fapaneng ea tlatsetso, ho kenyelletsa:

  • Li-capsules: Tsena ke mefuta e atileng haholo ea li-mushroom tsa lebese la nkoe. Li na le mofuta o phofshoana kapa o ntšitsoeng oa li-mushroom 'me li bonolo ho li koenya.
  • Phofo: Li-mushroom tsa lebese la tiger li ka ekeletsoa ho smoothies, lero kapa lino tse ling. Hangata li entsoe ka li-mushroom tse omisitsoeng le tse fatše.
  • Lintlha tse qotsitsoeng: Tsena ke mefuta e mengata ea li-mushroom tsa lebese la nkoe, hangata ka mokhoa oa mokelikeli kapa oa tincture. Li entsoe ka ho ntša metsoako e sebetsang ho li-mushroom ka ho sebelisa metsoako.
  • Tee: Tee ea li-mushroom tsa lebese e etsoa ka ho tšela lilae tsa li-mushroom tse omisitsoeng kapa phofo metsing a chesang. Ke mokhoa o tsebahalang oa ho ja li-mushroom molemong oa bophelo bo botle.
  • Tonics: Li-tonic tsa li-mushroom tsa Tiger milk ke li-supplement tsa metsi tse atisang ho kopanngoa le litlama tse ling kapa metsoako ho ntlafatsa liphello tsa tsona. Hangata li nkoa ka molomo.

Ha u khetha tlatsetso ea li-mushroom tsa lebese la nkoe, ke habohlokoa ho batla lihlahisoa tse nang le botumo bo botle tse sebelisang lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng 'me li entse tlhahlobo ea motho oa boraro bakeng sa bohloeki le potency. Ho boetse ho khothaletsoa ho buisana le setsebi sa tlhokomelo ea bophelo pele u qala mofuta ofe kapa ofe o mocha oa tlatsetso.

AOGUBIO e ikemiseditse ho fa bareki dihlahiswa tsa boleng bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa, mme dihlahiswa tsa rona tsa mushroom wa lebese la Tiger ke sesupo sa boitlamo bona. Re lumela hore ka ho sebelisa lihlahisoa tsa rona u tla khona ho fumana melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba bophelo ba hau. Re tla tsoelapele ho sebetsa ka thata ho fa bareki lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo ho fihlela litlhoko le litebello tsa bona.

Q1: Nka fumana mohlala?

A: Ehlile. Bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse ngata re ka u fa sampole ea mahala, athe litšenyehelo tsa ho tsamaisa thepa li lokela ho ba le uena.

Q2: Nako ea hau ea ho fana ke efe?

A: Re tla tlisa pele matsatsing a 3 ho isa ho a 5 ka mor'a hore tefo e netefatsoe.

Q3: Ho nka nako e kae ho fumana thepa e fihlileng?

A: E ipapisitse le sebaka sa hau,
Bakeng sa odara e nyane, ka kopo lebella matsatsi a 4 ~ 7 ka FEDEX, DHL,UPS,TNT, EMS.
Bakeng sa taelo ea bongata, ka kopo lumella matsatsi a 5 ~ 8 ka Moea, matsatsi a 20 ~ 35 ka Leoatle.

Q4: Ho thoe'ng ka bonnete ba lihlahisoa?

A: Ho ea ka lihlahisoa tseo u li laetseng.

Q5: U fana ka litokomane life?

A: Hangata, re fana ka Invoice ea Khoebo, Lethathamo la Packing, Bill of Lading, COA, Certificate of Origin.
Haeba limmaraka tsa hau li na le litlhoko tse ikhethang, re tsebise.
Haeba o hloka, ka kopo ikopanye le barekisi ba latelang:

Aterese: Kamore ea 606, Block B3, Jinye Times,
No.32, Karolo e ka Bochabela ea Jinye Road, Setereke sa Yanta,
Xi'an, Shaanxi 710077, Chaena
Contact:Yoyo Liu
Mohala/WhatsApp: +86 13649251911
WeChat: 13649251911

Nako ea poso: Jan-15-2024